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  1. Robby05

    Allison 6sp: What should I expect?

    X2. Whoever you decide to have build it make sure they know what they're doing. It would suck if you have to pay for it twice to fix the first guys f-up.
  2. Robby05

    LB7: s475 over stock build

    You did a awesome job building that kit. Looks great
  3. Robby05

    NHRA and "Illegal Street Racing"

    Didn't know that show was actually real. The cars are badass but figured the reality aspect was like that lizard towing show.
  4. Robby05

    LBZ 73 Nova

    Damn!!! That thing is a monster. Nice work & good luck this season
  5. Robby05

    30% over nozzles?

    Is the truck all stock, even the tuning?