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  1. Big Block 88

    '82 Duramax Swap Pictures

    No doubt Lonnie knows his shit man, I have spoke with him in the past and you can learn a lot quick, I would have a pen and paper ready to take notes;)
  2. Big Block 88

    This is why plowing with IFS sucks

    What is the condition of the knuckles? I thin fingers is on to something. There is an issue somewhere... I can nearly assure you that you have never done the things our ifs truck have seen and survived, only breakage has been pitman arms and the frames by the steering box, on early 90's...
  3. Big Block 88

    Show off your new tools!!!

    Thanks for the link vinny. It just cost me moneyeseses And I am damn glad to hear your health is looking better man
  4. Big Block 88

    06 LBZ Reg. Cab with bad engine worth?

    5-6 is where i would want to be
  5. Big Block 88

    2013 silverado mirror question

    I dont care about power fold really. He just wants to know if the plug is there for the truck to add signal mirrors.
  6. Big Block 88

    Need some allison 1000 help built tranny won't go in gear any help would be awesome!!

    I think there is something to be learned here.... Im not sure what that might be, but I am sure there is something.. Whats the verdict? Is it moving and shifting?
  7. Big Block 88

    "OFFICIAL" What did you do to your D-Max today?

    I see I thought he was working with Mike there at underground? Is newly doing dieel rock crawlers and rat rods? I know newly rubbed people here wrong, I always liked him though I never met him in person he always treated me right.
  8. Big Block 88

    Show off your new tools!!!

    wht is the small set in the gray box vinny? May I ask how much for the small driver set?