I'm an electrician and I do smoke alarms all the time. In all honesty we've stopped using BRK brand alarm because we have too many callbacks/problems with them. We switched to KIDDE and have had much better luck.
I is can move to there I have cummins blow so much smoke I am good mechanic. I can make cummins so fast and black out intersection with soot. When can I start?
Watch your fuel gauge. Pretty sure when I got rear ended it ended up snapping pieces in my sending unit. Didn't notice until a while later that my fuel gauge was off. Reading dead empty at times when there was lots of fuel. It showed up way after the accident so I had...
I have the redhead 1856 collection I think it's the bass pro store brand. It has a good fire rating compared to the others in its price range. Text me if you want pics. I'm not a fan of posting that stuff on the internet
I would destroy power ateering fluid fast. Psc recommended redline synthetic. Tried it. Cooked it pretty fast too. And I have maybe an 8x8 cooler. Now I run dex 6 or transynd. Seems to hold up better
Fwiw I've had a psc pump for about 3 years and I run 35s. It's still running fine. But I can't do any of that 1 finger turning while stopped. And the steering is still weak while stopped. Sometimes won't tie the wheels while stopped. Have to get rolling a little bit. Which...