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    LLY: Type/Brand of Engine coolant

    Well your young Ben so you've been lucky! :D I'm not promoting perfectness I just wouldn't take a chance when it's so avoidable. I also know there are differences in these systems compared to the old puke tank and radiator systems. I also like to premix my antifreeze but will not go as far to...

    LLY: Type/Brand of Engine coolant

    I know what your saying but how does one go about checking it when he has mostly water in he's res? IMO he'll have to drain off some then make the adjustment. Like I said it's no big deal I'm just anal about my stuff . Here in Ct we have to worry about sub zero temps like better then 10 below...

    LLY: Type/Brand of Engine coolant

    I agree it will eventually mix but since he said some water was left in then he dumped in the antifreeze then more water how does he know where he sits as far as Boil over and Freeze ups? To much antifreeze is the same as to little from what I recall. When I flushed my system or any vehicle...

    LLY: Type/Brand of Engine coolant

    Thats why you premix at 50/50 so you know exactly what you have for hot/cold protection! :thumb:

    LLY: Type/Brand of Engine coolant

    I guess it depends how anal you are. :D I don't know exactly what percentage mix you have obtained for heat and cold protection or if it's adequate. If it was my truck I'd have to know,then again I'm anal! So I'd drain off enough only to test . Depending on what you discover would dictate...

    LLY: Type/Brand of Engine coolant

    Really how do you figure although I never seen a Xterra. Unless it has a hose coming out and a hose going in it does not cycle threw. On a closed system there is a hose that is in the bottom of the res tank that by vacuum it is sucked out or blown back into the res as the radiator level...

    Help Me Polish These!!

    I've used this product before and it does work good just not easy to find for me anyway. For me the Mothers Billet works great and is easy to get. Don't be confused get the Billet Polish not the Regular Mothers mag Alum polish,there is a difference. Also use their over priced stupid expensive...

    LLY: Type/Brand of Engine coolant

    You didn't premix the coolant 50/50 before poring it in? Talk about hot spots and in adequate cooling!! Thats just plum crazy! I know someone who cracked a block doing just what you did on a fresh rebuild on a Chevy 350. You should premix IMO! The coolant in the reservoir is only being...

    Help: Power steering problem

    Have you replaced the Power Booster?
  10. MACKIN

    Where's the love?

    The Sky Is Falling , The Sky Is Falling !!! Grow a set will ya. Reading this thread is like a bunch of Chicks showed up from a CupCake forum talking about having one of those days when you just don't feel so fresh . Take a couple Midol and go soak in the tub!
  11. MACKIN

    white haze from under hood?

    Ya I'd say it's probably just crankcase ventilation myself. Just check to see if you have ,or shouldn't have, fuel in your oil to be on the safe side.
  12. MACKIN

    Oh Boy!!

    He has to be at this point with cutting holes in his bed plus anchoring those horns to the roof! :D IMO it just looks plain over-kill stupid with dual stacks that HUGE! Looks way worse in person. i haven't seen the driver yet but apparently the guy lives in my town as I've seen it numerous...
  13. MACKIN

    Oh Boy!!

    I recall mentioning this Furd a couple times well it merged in front of me on the highway this morning. It was a struggle to get a picture running down the highway ,not the best but You'll get the drift! Look at the FAKE train horns in the center! Those stacks are at least 7" :roflmao:
  14. MACKIN

    8.1 allison question

    The transmission internally is the same.
  15. MACKIN

    --need help. Truck wont start--

    It's a real crap shoot with out the codes. Make sure you didn't lose prime,place to start.
  16. MACKIN

    Help: I'm Sorry to Dmitri!!

    For the "cool kids" that would be a chain drive wallet! From what I'm seeing here,designer jeans, catch me **** me pants, I suppose he has some 'pink' sweet pants in his wardrobe! :D Designer jeans??? What to **** !! That is gayer then gay!
  17. MACKIN

    Help: I'm Sorry to Dmitri!!

    All I can say is WOW!!! Well not really I could say more but WOW is very fitting! I always thought there was something odd going on here with some that have been called haters ! I couldn't quite understand as to why anyone would hate the Duramax accomplishments except maybe some were tired of...
  18. MACKIN

    Rick v Dmitri Peanut Gallery
