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  1. DefiantArms

    What did you do at work today?

    I've got a nice starrett thread deapth gauge i picked up at auction that is ancient got 2 Kurt 8" cnc style vises at same auction for 75$ wooot Love auctions
  2. DefiantArms

    What did you do at work today?

    I love old machinery my lathes a 51 monarch model 60/61 originally owned by Chevrolet at the New York plant.
  3. DefiantArms

    What did you do at work today?

    What's the travel on your mill?
  4. DefiantArms

    What did you do at work today?

    I loath jobs like that. Rotor shaft?
  5. DefiantArms

    What did you do at work today?

    Felt like writing a love letter to the engineer that designed the fuel control system on a bell 212 helicopter today. There's a 5/16 nut and washer that's under the automatic fuel control between the firewall and manual fuel control that's just big enough to fit your hand into but not enough to...
  6. DefiantArms

    What did you do at work today?

    You think Bagram has changed you should see Kandahar it's a ghost town. Night stalkers don't quit
  7. DefiantArms

    What did you do at work today?

    The one and only
  8. DefiantArms

    What did you do at work today?

    Haha yea that one was a MH47
  9. DefiantArms

    What did you do at work today?

    Spent most of the day on top the helicopter changing out some time controlled items enjoyed the view though was a relatively clear day.
  10. DefiantArms

    What turbo

    Congrats mine will be two in a few months and I've spent more on her than my truck this year they have some cool kids toy cars on amazon :angel:she might be getting this for christmas...
  11. DefiantArms

    2017 Duramax

    Pie R round Cornbread²
  12. DefiantArms

    LBZ: Banks tuner and programmer

    Im not an expert but i don't think so normally its mounted passenger side because its easier to get to.. i remember C20Elephant i believe it was noted a few degree difference from side to side but wasn't drastic
  13. DefiantArms

    LB7: Project "I have a problem"

    Poor kid looks like you :hug:
  14. DefiantArms

    LB7: Project "I have a problem"

    hurry up and throw those forces on the LLY corbin you know you want to
  15. DefiantArms

    New guy here

    :welcome: would need trans I think as LBZ runs 6spd plus we like them built trans around here mmmhhmmm :D
  16. DefiantArms

    Funny pics thread

  17. DefiantArms

    my AR .308 for ELK ???

    I feel fully confident in hunting big game with 308 either my Larue OBR or my custom rem700 that i built :thumb: I've seen guys push the Larue OBR out to a mile oh and did ballistic testing by strapping ballistic plates to pigs and shooting them from a mile and showed the 308 had as much energy...
  18. DefiantArms

    Twins with Twins, Anyone?

    giggidy giggidy gooooo
  19. DefiantArms

    What did you do at work today?

    Washed two helicopters than watched some saltwater aquarium videos on YouTube hopefully getting one next month
  20. DefiantArms

    Falken A/T3W

    I was planning to go with bfg k02's but after what James said guess I'll go with Toyo atII