Recent content by TwoTone

  1. T

    Explain budget cuts to me

    If ever...
  2. T

    LMM: Which wheels

    Ultra Predators
  3. T

    Does Wind Chill Affect the Morning Cold Start?

    My LLY was started at 50 below without being plugged in. My LMM has been started without at 45 below. I do cycle the glow plugs twice though. Only time I plugged it in was for my wife when it was that cold and she was taking it to work early in the morning. Leather seats without heat suck ass
  4. T

    Minot Farm Show

    Would be fun but that is a long way. Though I really want to go to the Sugar Beet show in Fargo
  5. T

    Question: Who has the best

    I also would like to know.
  6. T

    Facebook Purges Pro-Gun Accounts

    Posted this article to my FB as an early explanation as to why my account may suddenly go away :thumb:
  7. T

    Obama's Martial Law Plans Exposed

    Truth. I don't think there is but a hand full of Democrats in our government who don't truly hate this country for what people can achieve with hard work. I really need to buy more guns soon
  8. T

    Friday the world is ending

    Honestly it wouldn't surprise me if they were also behind the mass shootings as of late:(
  9. T

    Friday the world is ending

    Ours is just under lock down today because of threats on several schools in Wyoming. My wife is a kindergarten teacher and she isn't allowed to let her kids outside today. I hope the *****s that called the threats in get the AIDS
  10. T

    Friday the world is ending

    I "put myself at ease" since the wife was unable and now I'm sleepy. So if the world goes to hell by morning Ill be just fine :thumb:
  11. T

    Info: 12/21/12

    I'm just sad that no one here believes enough to drop off all their possessions at my house :(
  12. T

    New (to me) truck 2007 GMC

    fuuuuuck that is way taller than the LML
  13. T

    2016 Obama's America

  14. T

    2016 Obama's America

    Very good speech. I wish more people would watch this
  15. T

    2016 Obama's America

    I have facebook and it seriously scares the shit out of me how people my age and younger eat his lies up. I don't understand how people can not see through the bullshit. We are ******!:(