So I figured today was a good day to wash the work coat. I'm going home in a couple days right. So after the coat goes in for a 2 hour wash cycle, I realize, hmmnn I'm at work, and it's a 10min walk to my apartment. Now, maybe this story isn't too bad but I'll throw in the kicker-I work in Siberia, about 70km from the arctic circle, and it's December! It's snowing sideways, it's a 10 min walk home, and I only have a hoody and a long sleeve shirt on. A slight oversight on that one!! Hopefully I don't die on the way home? Another question for the ask a McRat thread-How long can someone live in 10deg F with a 5yd/sec wind?
Can you say dumbass??:rofl:
If I don't die tonight, I'll see y'all online tomorrow!
Can you say dumbass??:rofl:
If I don't die tonight, I'll see y'all online tomorrow!