Depending on who does your tuning, (it appears Othrgrl is doing it) would be the determining factor if you need a second boost gauge or not. If you do your own then I would for sure, especially if you are just learning to tune twins. I found that you want your total boost pressure gauge and your drive pressure gauge to be the same as far as what they are, I'd go with 100 psi on both of them. That way you can easily tell if they are about the same as the needles will ramp up about the same if they are tuned correctly. Be sure to get enough of a heat sink coil, (we use copper tubing) to disapate the heat and also small in diameter so you don't get a lot of wild fluxation in the gauge reading. Some guys also install a filter to keep from sooting up the line, but I never have done that and have never had one foul on me.