So my 05' was in a flood monday night, motor is full of water, hydrolocked and trashed. Innercooler is full of mud, part of the interior got mud so in reality its all trashed after moving it around. FICM is full of water, everything else seems to work ok.
Told them the work done to the motor, they are talking a low mileage complete engine with a lifetime warranty through the insurance company if it blows up for any reason. I have over 9k in mine with just the mild build. I'm guessing my 20 over injectors are trashed since the cylinders are still full of water?
I did drain the innercooler, and the motor, put fresh oil in, I got 15 qts of water out and more was still dripping out with the oil. I feel I'm getting ripped now and dont even want the truck, not real sure what to do or how to handle this.
Told them the work done to the motor, they are talking a low mileage complete engine with a lifetime warranty through the insurance company if it blows up for any reason. I have over 9k in mine with just the mild build. I'm guessing my 20 over injectors are trashed since the cylinders are still full of water?
I did drain the innercooler, and the motor, put fresh oil in, I got 15 qts of water out and more was still dripping out with the oil. I feel I'm getting ripped now and dont even want the truck, not real sure what to do or how to handle this.