I thought it was for chit talking, till I read the hondarider thread and the result....I guess spewing insults everywhere else is fine when your hand is in the right pocket, but insults and trash talk in this forum are not....
Apparently you disapprove of our community. There are lots of other forums you can visit, we have a large list of them posted here. To the best of my knowledge, that is unique. We encourage people to find sites that fit their needs; this site is not a good fit for everyone, nor do we try to be.:hug:
If you noticed that some folk get cut more slack than others, welcome to humanity. You won't find any web forum that doesn't have heroes and villians; heck there aren't many FAMILIES that can claim that.
Hondarider has insulted a number of the folk who are helpful to others, and has done so since he first signed up. So if you notice that he is not treated the same as those who help others, your reading skills are fine.
If you believe that in both life and forums, you should grant identical perks to both those who destroy, and those who build, your beliefs will always make you angry; because it ain't happening. And I guarantee this site isn't for you, since we are all humans.