well tonight a couple of us decided to put a new 14 bolt rear axle in my buddies bogger on 44's well we had the rear of the truck on jack stands and we were all going to town on it and 2 of the guys were under the truck and bang the jack stands slid out (we don't know how) and the owner of the truck got caught under the drive shaft and poped his shoulder completly out and the other guy on the other side of the axle was not to lucky he got pinned under the gas tank and the ground bent in half and his head was inches from the floor my girlfriend yelled he's unconsious and 3 of us picked the truck up to our shoulders as the other guy pulled him out. it was the worst experience of my life and i hope you guys NEVER have to witness anything like that!!! us 3 guys tried lifting the truck again and we couldn't!! there was so much wieght being lifted from the box we tore 1 body mount out and dented the back of the cab!! i just wanted to share this with everyone for safty reasons!! please be safe on your projects!! good luck everyone