werid lbz problem


<----new hotness
Jan 17, 2010
ok so I have a guy call me and say his lights shut off also he lost his monitor power, deck, and mirror power but his dash stayed on just like normal while cruising down the road I told him check his battery cables as I had just undone them for his egr delete and alt connection was undone he said they were all tight. he got back on the road as soon as he slowed down and stopped/checked everything it stopped everything turned back on.

he calls bout an hour later says now it only does it if he floors it in dsp 4 or 5 wtf?:confused: but not in 1, 2, or 3? so what the hell you guys think is going on here? im at a loss here, it only kills part of the trucks power(mirror, deck, monitor, and mirror) not all of it so that's what has me stumped :confused: also I don't even know how dsp tunes could affect this only thing could be related is more hp on 4 and 5.

I don't know why I get the weird ones:(
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DMax Junkie
May 25, 2008
Danville Indiana
Id be checking the grounds on the block because that's what it sounds like. Also check the body ground under the driver's door to frame body mount!