Weather Stations


Well-known member
Sep 11, 2006
St Louis, MO
Does anyone have any experience with Weather Stations? I want to get one, but I can't find what I'm looking for. The problem is, what I'm looking for probably doesn't exist. I was looking at the Oregon Scientific WMR200WGWC, and while a comparasin of that next to a bunch of other stations showed it to have some "fair" measurements, it's probably plenty good enough for me. The problem is, what I want is some kind of "Hybrid" system that has the primary outdoor sensors (rainfall, windspeed, temp, humidity, etc) wired and powered over the wire, tied back to a "hub" that can either connect to a PC via USB or connect straight into an Ethernet switch, and then have a remote wireless panel, like the WMR200. It would be fine if it tied into 802.11 wireless and everything was done using TCP/IP. I'd also like the option of additional, secondary sensors to be connected wirelessly. I want wired sensors for reliability, as at some point, I'm going to put up my 75' readio tower, and I want to put the wind sensors up at the top over the trees. I don't want to be climbing the tower every time the batteries die or the base looses comms with the sensors for some strange reason.

Anyone have any thoughts?