I have had my Snow stage 3 for about 3 months now and so far I have run pure water at 100% injection med range truck ran just fine, Then the other day I stopped by the auto parts store and bought me some methanol and mixed 4 gallons 50/50 well tonight I was gonna try it out so I floored my truck and when the injection got to 75% the motor sounded funny so I got out of it come to a stop everything sounded normal drove a little ways floored it again it run like a top tell the injection got to 75% then it started making that noise again well I thought well I might be flooding the piston so I back it down to 50% injection same noise just not as loud then I back it off too 35% and it run smooth all the way, so does the meth/water mix not burn up as fast as pure water or have I got something wrong