kinda in a bind here i think i no the problem but tell me what yall think I got a 98 chevy sitting here and whats happening is the cylendar walls are fueling up with fuel. the motor locked down when it fills with fuel. I took all the plugs out of the truck and spun it over and it would spin over fine dumping fuel out of the cylender walls. i pulled the fuel pump relay and spun it over with the plugs out to kinda do a half ass job of getting the fuel out of the cylender wall. i put the fuel pump relay back in spun it over still with the plugs out then pocked the top of the rail to see if there was any rail pressure and there is none. So i beilve that the injectiors are sticking wide open and just filling the cyclender walls with fuel. this is a motor he bought to put in it. He had to put his old intake on so i beilve he may of wired the spider injection up wrong and when say cylendar 1 is firing maybe cylender 7 is spraying fuel. I never had one of these apart so i really dont no what kinda of headach im getting into can anyone give me a idea on things to look at??