Two is one, one is none. Lurking for a few years with tuning questions.

Shane H

New member
Jul 23, 2024
Alberta, Canada
I own two GMT800s for the simple fact that if one dies in the future I'll have a bunch of decent parts to toss on the survivor.
I use my trucks for towing, and I was able to make a bunch of informed decisions on my transmission build through this forum and others experiences. Mainly converter selection and my realistic goals. Unfortunately my 5 speed does have the Transgo C2 mods but if it ever lets go (again) I'll be putting a complete 6 speed rotating assembly in that 5 speed case. I know its limitations and drive it accordingly.

I'll be posting questions about tuning the thing. Moderate acceleration seem fine but for some reason it leaves a puff of black smoke leaving stop signs. Might be because of the 3388 socal cam? Truck does not have oval bowls and I don't think it should be doing this. I have high expectations for a clean running stock valley turbo/tight converter truck and will change tuners if I have too.
Also will be looking at trans tuning options.
My Black LBZ in my sig has Mark Broviak tuning and the thing is wicked for what it is.


Heavy & Slow
Sep 3, 2009
Boise, ID, USA
A puff of black smoke coming from a stop is 100% tuning. Odds are the MAF limits at low RPM are a little aggressive. You can ask your tuner to dial them down a little, which will clean it up no matter how hard you stand on it, or you can have your tuner adjust the throttle/desired torque tables to request less fuel when taking off at mid/light throttle. That would clean it up driving normally but still puff a bit if you floor it, getting you on the turbo a smidge quicker.

I tend to prefer the latter, giving me the option to get off the line when I need it, but not annoy people when driving normally. But if you are going for 100% clean then the right answer is to adjust the MAF limits and give up a tiny bit of off-the-line acceleration.