Can anyone check to see if I got my math right. I wrote it from scratch. I think I posted it before, but I can't find it.
Turbocharger air use spreadsheet
Turbocharger air use spreadsheet
I'm confused, the spreadsheet says turbo air use, but the calcs look like you mean the maximum CFM that the engine can possibly use?
I knew you had that Geek blood.
According to my notes 1 cubic ft of air is .0807 lb at Standard Temperature and Pressure.
We are dealing with IAT above 60 degrees F. This is going to throw your calcs out of wack.
We should also be seeing VE in excess of 100% in order to make the power we do.
This is what I use
Since it's 460 I assume it's °F.
What are the other units and abbrev?