turbine housing.


New member
May 30, 2014
Central Florida
Hey I cracked open the turbo to find rust and carbon deposit which is why i was had stuck vanes. My biggest concern is the rust on the turbine housing. What is the best way to clean it up? It has some small raised areas of rust.




Well-known member
Sep 9, 2010
Louisburg, KS for now
For whatever reason the pictures aren't showing up on my computer. Start off with a wire wheel, if that doesn't take it all off use a small 40-60 grit flap wheel to just take the high spots down. I use a 90deg die grinder with the small 1 1/2" - 2" flap/sanding disc's on them.

Most all vanes will have pits in them, at least the ones I've dealt with and have. I just clean them up with a #1 or 0 shell wool and finish them off with #00 or 000 depending on how they look.

If you're getting oil from the base of the turbine wheel where it's fused to the shaft(yep, that sounds bad/sexual!:D) then you're piston seal was going out. This could be due to carbon build up or the bearings are going out so it transfers load to the piston seal. This can also happen if you're running the turbo pretty hards and back pressure is up there. I've had that happen with the turbo testing I'm doing.
Your rebuild kit will come with new piston seals for the compressor and turbine side so no big deal there.
