The beauty about harness boxes is they are easy to install and use, and require no computer skills. Both Banks and Edge make good products. Last I heard, neither of them will remove the speed limiter though, or adjust your speedo. Max power output is perhaps 425rwhp for LB7 models.
The next step up the food chain is handheld tuners. I love the PPE handhelds, and the Hot +2 versions have wicked amounts of power. Again, easy to install and use and require no computer skills. These will adjust speedo/odo, remove speed limiter, and can produce 500rwhp (Hot +2) on LB7's.
The Max Effort level is owned by EFILive. This is tuning and datalogging tool that works with a Windows notebook computer. It allows total customization include shift point changes. Most dealers will write a custom tune for you for free with purchase.
If you go EFILive, you will never have to buy another tuning product, it's the top rung.
But I've run all three kinds tuning on Dmaxes, and all of them are pretty good. I recommend different paths for different folks depending on their needs. But on MY trucks? It's EFILive.
Note: if you are not comfortable with learning about tuning, or using a computer to flash your truck, or scare easy, EFILive is not really your best bet.
And welcome! :thumb: