i cant possibley imagine this not being the biggest pro street race ever.what do you think is going to happen? from the truck counts i am hearing could be near 30 trucks there. with a mandated 3 round qualifying to place as top qualifyier, attricion will sureley take its toll.and if trucks do live it could take 5 rounds of action to get to the top.there will be clutchflite style trannys,and lencos with clutch flites in 4x4s,duraflites in dmaxes,and who knows maybe a freaking mid 10 second or better ford.what do you guys think is going to happen? i know some teams going for low 9s and some are swinging for 8's.Some will hold back and hope the draw of the ladder gets them in the proper place.id rather be lucky than good anyday... who is going ?what is the best strategy?is it possible that an unknown could bring a totally new truck and turn everything upside down? lets hear it!!!