Help: Trans wire harness FAIL!


Vote republican
Oct 9, 2011
Hello all! I hope someone can help me out with this, so I was coming up my driveway the other day put it in 4 hi, it seemed to engage for a moment then jumped out of 4 and seemed to be slipping/lurking. Pull up to my driveway and crawl under her to find this:


Yep the front transmission harness wrapped around the front drive shaft and ripped it out....

So now the truck will barely limp around, emphasis on limp. I'm getting the following codes off my verus:

If anyone could possibly shed some light on either were to acquire a new/used one that would be great a part number would also be amazing.

Final question would be if that harness is crazy expensive, is it possible to make a temporary one just so I get it to work in 2wd? Like what all is necessary (sensor wise) for this thing to just drive?

Thanks slot any input would be greatly appreciated!