I was writing a trans tune for on the dyno for an 02 and my 05 so that I can have the Scan tool recording the engine during our runs. I want the truck to get to 4th quickly with the TC locked then hold it. I was lowing all the shift points up to 4th, then raising the shift to 5th. I also have the TCC apply set to 19 for all gears and release set to 1. Will these changes cause any problems or make the TCM wig out? I can email the tune to anyone that is willing to take a look at it for me, or if someone has one they use and will send me let me know. Here's the basics:
Shift Speed WOT Speed WOT RPM
1->2 9.9 9.9 1700
2->3 18 18 1700
3->4 22 22 1700
4->5 180 180 5000
2->1 0 0
3->2 10 10
4->3 15 15
5->4 150 150
Any help is appreciated.
Shift Speed WOT Speed WOT RPM
1->2 9.9 9.9 1700
2->3 18 18 1700
3->4 22 22 1700
4->5 180 180 5000
2->1 0 0
3->2 10 10
4->3 15 15
5->4 150 150
Any help is appreciated.