so the time change is this weekend, right .......this will be the first time I can remember it happening in November, usually always in October
Funny story came out of it though, A guy at the bar last night asked what the time difference was between Canada and Russia.
I told him about 20 years!!:rofl:
yea, my wife, she got up at 7:00 am, normally she gets up at 10:00 am on Sat & Sun.
I was up at 6:00 as usual
Better you then me :hello: But, then again we have an agreement in this house. I take the night shift with the kids and Pat takes the morning shift.
Allison had a g/f over last night, they thought it was fun swimming in the pool at 10 pm in the rain Good thing my table umbrella save my laptop from getting wet :rofl:
our pool's 72* now , no more swimming till next June :baby:
72 is good swimming weather-you texans are a bunch of sissies!!:joker: