Ive been researching turbos lately and Ive been thinking. What do you guys think about running a turbo that makes good power in the 3400-3800 range with dual fuelers and detorquing the tune to only make about 1100-1200 tq max and make close to 1000 tq at 3600 to get a little over 700hp to help the engine last until I can save for a mild build? I was thinking about maybe a s400sx3 which is 72mm ind comp and 74mm exd turbine with 1.1 ar t4 housing. Would this be a good turbo for what I want? I am trying to wait till I get my tax return to buy the turbo and install kit but I might pull the trigger soon. I would get the turbo now and within the next year get socal 60 overs and stroked cp3 or dual fuelers.