Is it as well suited for surfing the web as the iPad or is it's main focus still reading documents (books, mags, etc.)?
I have an iPhone & find myself surfing the Internet on it a good bit more than my laptop even when at home. Since I'm comfortable with & acustomed to the iPhone platform, I've been thinking about getting an iPad but gosh dammit! IDK they were as salty as they are!
How much are the kindles?
Are they wifi only or do they have cell signal too?
The Fire is $199 and is Wifi only
But it works just as well I have seen VS Pat's $500 I-Pad with Wifi only.
I use mine mainly for reading. What limited time I used for the web it has worked great and is easier for me to use then my Iphone to type. Since the keys are bigger and I have long acrylic nails.
As for reading I find the biggest disadvantage to the normal kindle is the battery life it sucks. I can kill the battery in 3 to 4 hours. I have to make sure I have a charger handy. So I bought extra firewires. I have one at work, one by my computer, one next to the bed.
2 differences between the normal Kindle and the Fire. For reading outside the normal kindle wins, for night the Fire wins since I don't have to have a book light.