Test Run


New member
Sep 3, 2008
Marshfield WI
I know its not 100 percent accurate but the nearest track is 2 hours away and before i make the trip i wanted to do a few test runs so i used my bullydog monitor to record times and a couple of empty back roads and got 13.19 at 101 mph. Launching sucked, the monitor would read movement while trying to spool it up so i could only hit like 6 psi and my tire pressures were not lowered. When i go to the track i plan on lowering tire pressures, lowering the t-bars, and removing the hitch, rear bumper, tailgate, one battery, the spare, and my subs. So do you guys think ill be able to run mid to high 12's with that setup at the track? Any opinions, suggestions, hints, or tips are appreciated.


New member
Sep 14, 2008
If you get a few tries I think you can pull it off. Doubt you will get it on the first try. BTW I tried to launch my reg cab at 10 psi and it didnt work well, truck was all out of shape, front drive shaft hit the NSBU and knocked the truck out of gear. These light little trucks are definately are a pain to launch and a strait centerlink is usually needed. Good luck and hopefully my advice will help.
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New member
Sep 3, 2008
Marshfield WI
I wont be surprised if i don't get it the first try but i'd like to go to the track for the first time with the best setup i can with what i've got to work with at the moment. Ive launched the truck at 12 psi before set up the same way it was today and it stayed pretty straight, front tires broke loose a little but not the worst. If i go any higher then she gets rough. I just couldn't launch it any higher than 6 today because when the truck would kind of lurch forward a bit the monitor was reading it as movement and the timer would start. And i have some home made tie rod sleeves on the truck for now. A good set of sleeves and the center link will probably have to wait till winter.

The Neens

Staff member
Aug 10, 2006
Monrovia, Ca.
I'd say you can do it...Install the sleeves for now, lower pressure to around 32 in the front, 28-30 in the rear...Work on launch RPM/boost...