So it looks like they have jsut moved directly across the street from where im workin now. I salso saw that ITP diesel has joined together with them. ought to be kinda interesting on where they go with this. Anyone had any experience with them? im might stroll over and check out the new place tonight after work. ITP was the closet place i could get Airdog filter but now they are closer lol.
also noticed that we have gained quite a few more burnouts on the street since their move here which is kinda annoying but i cant judge cause ill fill an intersection or two up with smoke very once an while (and it aint jsut black smoke that fills it )
also noticed that we have gained quite a few more burnouts on the street since their move here which is kinda annoying but i cant judge cause ill fill an intersection or two up with smoke very once an while (and it aint jsut black smoke that fills it )