ive been getting the p0299 code and ive noticed that the boost gauge doesn't go any where near the 20 or so psi that that the stock tune should do. it only goes to about 16 psi of boost. ive also noticed its like the frist time i go WOT it will push the right amount of boost but after that its just a pig and only goes to around 16 psi or lower.
So my question is what could cause this, is it the vanes?
ive took the intake off and spun the inducer wheel on the turbo to see if it was a bad bearding (i kinda figured it wasnt but just checked) and it was fine.
Any help will be appreciated
So my question is what could cause this, is it the vanes?
ive took the intake off and spun the inducer wheel on the turbo to see if it was a bad bearding (i kinda figured it wasnt but just checked) and it was fine.
Any help will be appreciated