So after tuning on these injectors for nearly a year now I've found I had to ADD 25% rouhgly to my pulse table, across the board, in lower mm3 regions for it to drive correctly. I'm talking about just cruising down the freeway. Even at 120mpa, I had to add 25% etc to cruise around 30-35mm3. I made 655hp with a lil 64mm turbo and a 2200us tune, so they flow fuel at high pressures. Just seems to are tamed down too much to me at lower pressure/pulse amounts?
at 1965rpms (hwy cruising), 104mpa, I'm at 740us.....with a pilot pulse of 250. This to me doesnt seem right?
at 1965rpms (hwy cruising), 104mpa, I'm at 740us.....with a pilot pulse of 250. This to me doesnt seem right?