I just bought a 06 3500 express van with a duramax in it for work. The place I got it from replaced the starter. You can see its a new starter under there. Now the soleniod seems to be acting up. It will kick the starter on and off real quick to where it barely even tries to turn the motor over. If you take a screw driver and touch it it will turn right over and start that way. Had to do that in a parking lot at the supply house lol! It pretty much seems to be junk. Is there anything else I can check to make sure thats what it is before I have to buy a new one to replace this new one with? Not sure what brand this starter is but I would guess it was the cheapest one. Or can I just replace the solenoid?? That would be more ideal. I want to use this all the time for work instead of the truck so I can do more stuff the truck. Any insight would be appreciated.