I made a spreadsheet a while back to calculate RPMs based on speed that I had posted on DP. I had later modified the calculator to be a little more user friendly. Unfortunately, before I could ever post it, I lost it.
Anyway, I made up some new calculators today. I didn't really know where to post the spreadsheet, so I figure I'll throw it in here.
The first spread tab is the same spreadsheet I made before. It's pretty self explanatory, but if you have questions, feel free to ask.
The second tab is a comparison that can compare either speed or RPM between two different setups. You can compare different tire sizes, axle ratios, gears, or transfer case ranges in any combination.
The third tab is a speedo calculator thing. It calculates how tire sizes change your speedometer, and it will help calibrate your speedo with EFI if you have a GPS.
Let me know if you have any problems and how you like it.
Anyway, I made up some new calculators today. I didn't really know where to post the spreadsheet, so I figure I'll throw it in here.
The first spread tab is the same spreadsheet I made before. It's pretty self explanatory, but if you have questions, feel free to ask.
The second tab is a comparison that can compare either speed or RPM between two different setups. You can compare different tire sizes, axle ratios, gears, or transfer case ranges in any combination.
The third tab is a speedo calculator thing. It calculates how tire sizes change your speedometer, and it will help calibrate your speedo with EFI if you have a GPS.
Let me know if you have any problems and how you like it.