Socail security number screw up

Big Block 88

Multiple choice muscle
Nov 3, 2008
Kansas when I am home
Alright I am lookin for some input here. My girl Sierra has been getting odd bills in the mail and her credit score has gone to hell, she couldn't figure out why. She went to the SS office to see what she could do about identity theft, which we were both thinkin it was.

As it turn out there were to Sierra's born both with the same middle initial and and last name, and they were born just days apart and were given the same damn SS #.

She has called everyone tryin to find someone that will help and has even contacted the other Sierra, no one seems to want to help.

Is there anyting she can do to get this cleared up? She wants to do it before i get home for good, but she has been chasing these guys for a year now to no avail.

I know there are some smart cookies on here, I hope someone can help.


<- wish i was there
Sep 18, 2008
let me ask my buddies g/f. same shit happened to to her when she went to get her fishing license.

Edit: ok she said she had to call the state and have it changed. she said it was a pita though.
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The Still Master
Alright I am lookin for some input here. My girl Sierra has been getting odd bills in the mail and her credit score has gone to hell, she couldn't figure out why. She went to the SS office to see what she could do about identity theft, which we were both thinkin it was.

As it turn out there were to Sierra's born both with the same middle initial and and last name, and they were born just days apart and were given the same damn SS #.

She has called everyone tryin to find someone that will help and has even contacted the other Sierra, no one seems to want to help.

Is there anyting she can do to get this cleared up? She wants to do it before i get home for good, but she has been chasing these guys for a year now to no avail.

I know there are some smart cookies on here, I hope someone can help.

Just find an illegal immigrant and get a new SS# from them, they have no trouble getting good ones.............:eek:

Seriously though, unless the Social Security Administration has a record of the mess up then I think you are screwed.

Welcome to Big Government.


Good Luck.


Big Block 88

Multiple choice muscle
Nov 3, 2008
Kansas when I am home
They show no record of the screw up, but they do show 2 Sierra's with same middle initail and same last name. There is one HUGE difference though, my Sierra is white and the other is black.

When Sierra first went into the SS office and informed them of what was going on, they said it was not possible that it can't be done. Sierra then lost her temper a bt and asked the lady if she looked black, to which she reponded NO.

She has called and spoke the DA in Kansas and they say there is nothing that can be done. She is thinking of taking it to court but that has come to a quick stop as she can find no one to represent her against unlce Sam. It is very frustrating for her, as she wants to go buy a new truck and get a few others things done.

The IRS called her yesterday and said she owed 3 years in back taxes and. And the state of Virginia has called and said she owes 2 years in back taxes. Which is very odd seeing as we live in KS.

There has got to ba a way to get this done and settled. Anyone know a badass lawyer?
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<- wish i was there
Sep 18, 2008
suddenly it all makes sense....

imo you have more than enough evidence showing that she is who she says she is. i'm surprised she can't find someone to represent her.

good luck man.


Wicked Witch of the West
Aug 2, 2006
Norco, CA
As far as the IRS goes. Have her talk to them and tell them to check the records for the tax returns she has filled with her correct address and tell them she wasn't living in Virginia. The might request a letter and some other stuff my accountant friend just told me. But she should be able to get the IRS and the State of Virginia off her back.

Who's Date of Birth does SS have listed with that SS#? It is possible the other Sierra got your Sierra SS# :( My friend also told me the first few numbers of the SS# is done geographically.

Big Block 88

Multiple choice muscle
Nov 3, 2008
Kansas when I am home
I'll have her check the dates agin. But what she found is all data is right on both SS # just the location is different. She sent a letter to the IRS and Virginia does seem to be helping her a bit.

Now the biggest issue is clearing her name and getting things back on track. She had NO intensions of going to court until everyone blew her off, no she wants to go to court and make them look like fools.

We need a Lawyer BAD!!!!!!!!


Active member
Sep 20, 2006
Wentzville Mo
What if you think someone is using your number?

Sometimes more than one person uses the same Social Security number, either on purpose or by accident. If you suspect that someone else is using your number for work purposes, you should contact us to report the problem. We will review your earnings with you to ensure that our records are correct.
You also may review earnings posted to your record on your Social Security Statement (Form SSA-7005). The Statement is mailed automatically each year to workers age 25 and older. You also can get a Statement at any time by requesting one online or by calling our 800 number.

What if an identity thief is creating credit problems for you?

If someone has misused your Social Security number or other personal information to create credit or other problems for you, Social Security cannot resolve these problems. You should contact the Federal Trade Commission for help.
You can contact the Federal Trade Commission by:

Big Block 88

Multiple choice muscle
Nov 3, 2008
Kansas when I am home
I am emailing this to her this may be of some help thanks Henry. She is an accountant by day and one mean 5' tall little blonde girl when you cross her. They may be in for quite the battle with her


Active member
Sep 20, 2006
Wentzville Mo
I think if she pulls all here pay records and shows were she lives and all she should be able to get this fixed, Do a credit check and see the dates when some of the stuff was bought and show she was at work or somewere else with proof of that and could get some of it removed from her report.

Big Block 88

Multiple choice muscle
Nov 3, 2008
Kansas when I am home
She has done all thiat and they just look at her or talk to her like they are sayin "Yeah right" they don't beleive anything you tell them anymore. And I can understand why how many people can you trust nowadays?

The other Sierra seems to have no issues living off of my Sierra's name and credit report and history. She is aware of the problem and has done nothing to help my Sierra resolve it.

Sierra has proved to these people many times that there is no way she could have wrote checs or made any kind of purchases in VA, as she has not left KS OK or TX those are the only states we go to.

Basically it will come down to this, if it is not resolved by the time I get home things will get bad for these people really quick. Right now VA is working with my Sierra to get things all cleared up the SS office and the state of KS seem to not care a bit.

She has spoke with 27 different people now as of today. And out of all of them only 2 older ladies have been any hlep and are the 2 she keeps going back too. I just don't get it, they screwed up all they need to do is fix it. They offered her a new SS # and she was pretty happy but they would not help her with the credit issues. But they will not claim responcibility and say sorry we messed p and now we will fix it. All they have to say for them selfs is, "that not possible, 2 people can't have the same SS#" when they can clearly see two different Sierra's in 2 different states born a couple days apart. With different middle names. WTF??????????

Court may be the only way, I have some money set aside for some things it looks like it may go into court for this BS.
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Why do I keep doing this?
Staff member
Apr 19, 2008
Mid Michigan
So your Sierra has been in contact with the fake Sierra in VA? The fake Sierra sees no reason to change anything? Well, that all sounds like identity theft to me....pretty blatant case of it, too.

Id press the SS and IRS about it, using the methods Henry outlined. Id also push your state's AG office to start looking into it.

Big Block 88

Multiple choice muscle
Nov 3, 2008
Kansas when I am home
Yeah we have been swearing up and down on the identity theft, but the records do show 2 different Sierra's same last name different middle name but same middle initial. How would they be showing 2 Sierra's if it was identity theft?

Sierra is tryijn to take a nice weekend and not worry about it, but she will be hittin it hard agin monday. Thanks for the help guys and gal