So I was getting ready to hit the sack this evening when I noticed my 3 year old Corgi looking at something funny in the closet "his room". I thought to myself for a split second and said self we live in the country, I bet there is a snake in there. So I put on my boots looking for some type of protection. Made a pull s*** away stick from a hanger and found the little bastard. Don't know what kind it was but instinct told me run get a shovel to kill the demon sent from hell. A little background of where I live (more like where I sleep). It is a 30'x70' shop with apartments on one end. The rents cheap and it's all I need. So that being said the shovel was right outside my door. Grabbed the shovel and commenced to play peek a boo with this (say next part in an Aussie accent) little Sheila. At this point I'm bout to say eff it and burn the place down. Then it stuck it's head out perfect for the death blow to decapite its head. I then shouted at the top of my lungs "I'M TIRED OF THESE MOTHER F***ing SNAKES IN THIS MOTHER F***ing CLOSET". It was kinda of black with some yellow on its belly if anyone wants to take guess at what kind it was.
And if anyone knows anyway of keeping them away I'm all ears. This makes the second one I've killed. First one was in the bathroom.
And if anyone knows anyway of keeping them away I'm all ears. This makes the second one I've killed. First one was in the bathroom.