Duplicating this for the people that don't read announcements.
vBulletin has released a new update that I'm going to try and load this Saturday (the 13th). The update will probably take an hour to hour and half.
However there is a change in the software that I cannot control. vBulletin will no longer allow you to use your screen name as your password. Example:
username: Poltergeist
password: Poltergeist
You need to change your password before Saturday otherwise once I'm done and you come to the site you will be taken to a screen to change it, at least that is what they are saying on the vBulletin site. I would recommend changing it now so that you do not have any problems after the upgrade.
Anyway don't 'freak out' if you have trouble getting here Saturday morning around 8am Pacific time when I start the update.
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vBulletin has released a new update that I'm going to try and load this Saturday (the 13th). The update will probably take an hour to hour and half.
However there is a change in the software that I cannot control. vBulletin will no longer allow you to use your screen name as your password. Example:
username: Poltergeist
password: Poltergeist
You need to change your password before Saturday otherwise once I'm done and you come to the site you will be taken to a screen to change it, at least that is what they are saying on the vBulletin site. I would recommend changing it now so that you do not have any problems after the upgrade.
Anyway don't 'freak out' if you have trouble getting here Saturday morning around 8am Pacific time when I start the update.
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