I've been working on a mileage tune and I was logging today and couldn't get the timing to log correctly.
It will log but rounds all the main timing numbers to the nearest whole number. I want it to round to the nearest tenth. I thought I could change it in the chart properties but I couldn't figure it out. All the other PID's log to the tenth, but main timing degree.
I pretty sure it just started doing this as it would have really bothered me before. I haven't logged a truck in about 6 months so maybe I just forgot how to do it.
It will log but rounds all the main timing numbers to the nearest whole number. I want it to round to the nearest tenth. I thought I could change it in the chart properties but I couldn't figure it out. All the other PID's log to the tenth, but main timing degree.
I pretty sure it just started doing this as it would have really bothered me before. I haven't logged a truck in about 6 months so maybe I just forgot how to do it.