Redneck Anti-Virus!


New member
Jun 21, 2011
My wife works for the county government (social services)........daily I hear of the waste and mismanagement the county endures from crappy employees! All branches of gov't have been flooded with parasites that mooch off the system while pretending they are working. Her boss sits in her office all day with her door closed eating sugar and selling Avon!
They had a memo come out written by the DIRCETOR of her office........."reduce the time viewing streaming videos while slows down the on-line computers"! Why the hell would they be watching ANY videos!!!

Our government has become bigger than ANY mafia syndicate!!:mad:

You are dead on it Pat, we have some real dumb asses running our country!

I can't believe our government hires people so stupid. Most of them have degrees and are highly paid.