So this has probably been asked hundreds of times, but seriously:roflmao:. Why does peak rail pressure (rp) vary from time to time? My scenario on a few occasions has been logs show great rp (around 23-25k) when I do a few boost launch runs on the street up to 90mph or so. Next day I go to the strip and logs show rp at 19-21k and get P0087 every pass. Also happened on the dyno so i changed the ff on the ad2 while on the help. However 2 days later with no changes logs looked great. Last night I went a best of [email protected] with 19-20k rp. I don't think it can be any faster without gaining mph...if that makes sense. In other words only thing keeping me out of the 12's is this fuel issue. Am I wasting my time with this problem or should I be looking at other parameters for fueling issues? I'm not a tuner in any way, but I'll log the hell out of the truck to see what might help it et quicker:thumb:. Any help or advice about this would be greatly appreciated...I hope this is in the right section