Question about regen


Wrecker Man
Feb 13, 2019
Hi, I am new here and I'm going to get my feet wet with a question about the regen process on a 2009 GMC C5500 with LMM 6.6.

The motor has 400k on it and the *converter* was gutted a long time ago, by a next door neighbor. Still, by some process unknown to me, the PCM still sees an accumulation of soot after 500 miles or so equalling 18% and the regen begins. But, during the regen, the soot value never changes and the red regen light styas lit until I use my scanner to lie to the PCM and make it think I just replaced the *converter* and reset it to 0%. 500 or so miles later, the same thing begins again.
Is there a way to disable the regen or is there a way to make the PCM think the soot is not there?
Both GTS's work and each sensor reads close to the same temp (coorelates). They rise and fall together but one is always slightly higher than the other. 30-50 degrees... Looking for a trick, maybe, but mostly just getting my feet wet.

Thanks for any conversation or idea you have.
(Note) I don't like to argue but I do ask a lot of questions. I'm no dummy but I know I don't know it all.