Please Read!!!


This won't last long...
Jan 14, 2011
This is a post by flyin6 over on duramax forum. I thought it was so good that it needed to be shared:

Time for a CIEMR:

I think the momentum might be sufficient to get rid of the closet communist. But as with what was pointed out by a Romanian newspaper a couple years ago, having Obama in the oval office is not America's biggest problem. The fact that more than half of all Americans voting actually voted for the man is our real problem.
Here's what I don't get:
How can God and freedom Loving Americans vote for the man?
He has been shown to be anything but truthful. He has paid to hide his identity. He is pro abortion and has actually pushed the bill along that denies medical care to fetuses (who were aborted) and actually survived. That is murder plain and simple! Anyone ever read about how the third trimester abortion is actually performed? The only thing that comes close is perhaps medieval times disembowment of a conscious victim. So are Americans just that stupid? Well, actually most of us are it seems. Just look at how our kids test out against those of other countries! And why is that? A politically correct public education system perhaps??? Just saying...
We have a man who is endorsed by Hugo Chavez, the president of Iran and leaders of the Muslim brotherhood and Hamas, all wonderful folks and Friends of out country, right? He apologizes to every one who will listen to him and claims America is the world's largest Muslim country? W H AAAA T???????????
And this is just the surface. He is killing decade old businesses, he has increased welfare to a privilege culture, did nothing about the 99% occupy protesters or 1% ers or whatever name those idiots adopted. He fights Christianity, worships with a pastor who hates white people and America, I mean, how much does a rational person need? Hasn’t he also used the word “I” more than all the presidents combined? What about all the vacations? How many now? Dunno, I lost count! I loved the one the first lady took with their kids to the Olympics. I saw that memorable picture of them in the stands watching the events while wrapped in the flag of South Africa? Must have been a shortage of US Flags that day I guess. I suppose the two thousand person support tema they flew with were out of them as well! And speaking of flags, ever notice the gold cloth behind the president in his earlier years when he spoke to us, “his” people? I was wondering where all the traditional US flags were? Must be in short supply at the white house. But someone did a closeup of that gold linen. Yep, covered with symbols common to Islam. Must have been a gift of OB’s leader, the king of Saudi Arabia!
OK, so I’m a little upset about all that. Comes from being the simple minded soldier I am. Seems when I get near the enemy, the flag on my heart starts to shake about warning me danger is nearby! Or maybe I just never got over the fact that the man couldn’t find the strength to place his hand over his heart when the national anthem played. Or maybe that “crotch salute” thing he does is some \thing he does because of arthritis or some other medical condition. Better be because I have seen soldiers all torn up from bombs and bullets struggle to stand and salute when that flag came by!
And what are they going to get out of him? Security?? Hardly, an enemy attacks when you are weak, anyone ever read Sun-Su?? (Misspelled on purpose) How about money? Well corn and gas have increased over 100% in the last 4 years. The deficit is over a trillion. What kind of number is that?? I mean if you stack a trillion dollar bills end to end, wouldn't they reach out to Pluto or something like that? We have debt of over 16 trillion dollars. We take in only a fraction of that and we are adding 30 million free loaders onto the health care system. Not saying an honest person out of work because of the economy is a freeloader, no that person has genuine need. But millions of illegal’s who are actually criminals living amongst us are free loaders! And on that topic, what are we doing? Didn't this administration, actually the top cop in the country actually supply weapons to the cartel? Didn't those weapons actually kill US law enforcement folks along with many civilians on both sides of the fence!
Anyone seeing a pattern here? For the first time in modern history, the US government seized control of a publically owned company (GM) then apportioned it to foxes (The very unions that control it's workers!). And now GM is focusing most of it's growth, development and manufacturing in China, with plans to grow that market and shrink the US market...Hello, anyone listening. Apparently over 51% doesn't think that any of that matters.
I think that is symptomatic of a dying culture. Read some of the quotes written by Roman senators near the end of their empire and you would swear it was written yesterday! I think we have become lazy. Very few people are informed or get involved. Currently only 1/2 of 1% of Americans serve in the Armed services! So what's the matter with the other 99%? I mean we are at war, and with a heinous enemy! One who brought the fight to our shores! Only a half of a percent! Americans we call ourselves? What is that these days? What is an American? From what I's seeing, he is comfortable, lazy W A Y fat, uninvolved, doesn't believe in God, doesn't donate or help his fellow man, lives a self centered life devoid of self sacrifice! Describe anyone you know? We sue each other instead of taking personal responsibility. We would rather pursue the easy buck than adopt an attitude of giving a good day's work for a fair wage. We are nearly taxed to death, and for what these days? Have you taken the time to see the ridiculous junk we finance as Americans? Do you know we are paying to rebuild mosques in Egypt? Yep sure are! And when the legitimate government (US and Israel friendly) was in trouble, we stepped aside and let the Muslim brotherhood step in and take power! Anyone know who the Muslim brotherhood is? They are actually the root of all terrorist groups, yep sure are! Probably not politically correct for one to say that, but that's also a lost concept here in the 'Merica, that of saying the truth.
So what is all that? Two words, "Moral Decay!" And with that what has happened? Well Obama for one, but going full circle, the real problem is that all this moral decay, which I think might have actually been engineered into our society over decades by some pretty dedicated persons, has finally produced a culture within a culture who either can't see the truth, Doesn't know enough to figure it out, or outright wants this nation to become socialist and communist!
I guess I just don’t get it. Logic doesn’t seem to apply here. I mean he carried the American Jewish vote in 2008. Although no one has done more to distance America from Israle, and apparently he is still carrying the jewish vote. Now see, there I go again, that just doesn’t make sense to me! And he carried the Catholic vote as well! Catholics are strong supporters of pro life! So what part of the democratic platform is pro life??? Where is the congruity there, I mean between Catholics and Democrats, how does that work exactly. Seems the church wants babies to live, and the Democratic platform is pro choice. See that, east vs west, black and white, left and right, opposites, and yet this illogical response from these two faith groups! Let’s just hope the true believers of either of those groups can see the truth.
Heck, I’m into my second cup of coffee and starting to buzz here and I haven’t even gotten to the people he surrounds himself with. Let me see, Bill Ayers, once sought out by the FBI and others for blowing up police stations, I guess that was all just a mistake. We know about the reverend Jeremiah Wright, nuff said there. How about the attorney general? Any questions? Secretary of treasury who is a Tax Cheat? People must be forgetting all that as well. Oh well, I’m droning, if you didn’t do the math by the second paragraph you are the problem and maybe we are lost or evolving. But I just don’t know what I’ll do with living in the new country. Maybe move to Texas after they succeed from the union. And you think they won’t? I’ve served with Texans, kind of like my Kintucky brothers, but in a better spot and more of them.
God have mercy on us all, God Bless the America that once was!<!-- google_ad_section_end -->