LBZ: P0102


Feb 16, 2009
I am in need of some help here on this one. The guy brought me this truck to do a blocker plate, water pump, and flash it to shut the codes off. He said it kept popping the light on before, and was told it was the EGR valve causing it. It's popping a P0102 code now even with the blocker plate in. Heres the thing though, it shouldn't be throwing it. I tried a known good MAF out of my BURB and I get the same exact readings with it as I do his. I can clear the code, but as soon as it starts up it throws the code again. I watched it with EFILIVE and it's reading anywhere from 42-48 G/sec at idle of airflow, and this code shouldn't pop unless it is reading 16 G/sec or less according to my flow chart. I have withing a .10 of a volt of battery voltage at the MAF, a near perfect ground, and when I shorted the MAF signal to the IAT like the flow chart said to it shot all the way up.

The flow chart says no problem found basically, yet the code keeps popping no matter what I do. It has a 6128 OS in it that has been upgraded to a DSP5. And from what I can tell the MAF is doing it's job as it limits fueling down low until boost comes up, and when I change B0795 it limits fueling as per the chart. So this leads me to believe it is throwing the P0102 falsely. Is there an OS upgrade for this, or does it sound like an ECM? I currently have it set to no MIL, and the truck runs fine. I just don't want to have an ECM problem on one that I already used a license on. Any help is MUCH appreciated.


Feb 16, 2009
This problem appears to be a problem with the EFILIVE tune. I flashed the stock 6128 back into it and no more P0102 code. I've full flashed in 3 different 6128 OS's(converted to DSP5), and all of them give me the P0102 code as soon as I start the engine while NONE of the requirements of the code are present. I flashed back in the bone stock NON DSP5 version and no more code.