I have a fidelity broker that I work with that I've been happy with.
Best thing you can do is meet with someone face to face on what you're looking for, talk to them and see if they are on the same page as you.
I would suggest Dave Ramseys' website for Endorsed local providers.
Hit the investing bar then enter in your information and what you're looking for. You'll get an email and a phone call from someone in your area that they endorse. From there you can talk with them and see who best fits your needs. My wife and I did that when we lived in Kansas City and meet a great investing guy. But being we got relocated due to work we weren't able to work with him because he wasn't licensed where we're at. We are also doing this for a house purchase.
Investing can be very complicated if you don't take the time to do your research.
Almost forgot, if you're wanting to do it yourself I would use morningstar.com. If it's long term investing look for mutual funds that have good 5 - 10year track records; preferably 10years or more. You can search any mutual fund on morning start and learn everything about it; if it's an aggressive growth, foreign, etc.
Just my $0.02 of what has worked for me and my wife.
Good luck,