Question: Oil pressure

workin' diesel

factory tuned
Nov 13, 2010
Coalhust, AB Canada
Just have a question about the oil pressure in my truck. Watching it yesterday, air temp: 48*, engine temp: 181*, engine rpm: ~2,000, speed: 70mphs, engine oil: 5w40 Shell, oil pressure 65-70. Seems like it always does that. I only have a 20 min drive to work, so it never gets super warm for long. When I let off or at idle it is 25-30. touch the throttle, it goes up . Do these numbers sound normal? I do know that it runs lower if I am running it longer. Just trying to understand that guage better. Thank you for any input!


Heavy & Slow
Sep 3, 2009
Boise, ID, USA
Those pressures are great, nothing to worry about.

My oil pressure scares people. I see 9-12 PSI at idle (gauge and scan tool agree). I'd be concerned, but it has been that way for the last 100,000+ miles, and it still runs fine. I see 55-60 PSI at freeway speeds, though.