Oil Pressure Electrical issue


New member
Jun 29, 2016
2003 Silverado 3500

I am needing some advice and wonder if anyone else has run into a similar issue:

My oil pressure gauge irratically will drop to 0 turing on the idiot beep and display LOW OIL PRESSURE

I have verified that it has oil and is at the proper level. I have also verified with a manual gauge that it does in fact have oil pressure even thought the gauge is reading 0 (I still have 28lbs pressure)

I have replaced the oil pressure sender once myself and have had a Chevy dealer do it as well with no improvement

I have quickly looked over the wiring and unplugged and ensured a good connection.

Where do I go from here? Any advice or tips would be greatly appreciated.



Active member
Sep 28, 2014
Stepper motor in the gauges

But I don't think the gauge itself will set off the low pressure warning. Time to start unwrapping wires or ohming them out.

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Yes, its really me
Feb 23, 2007
Awenta is correct. Stepper Motor being bad will not set the low oil pressure warning message. The ecm is seeing low oil pressure in order for that message to display. Since you have verified good pressure while it is doing it, and changed the sending unit. It's definitely wiring.

The jumper harness that goes from the oil pressure, and oil level sensors, up behind the accessory bracket, to a connector just above the front of the driver side valve cover is a common source of problems for this issue. Could also be a bad connection through the bale harnesses on the driver side valve cover.

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New member
Jun 29, 2016
On to wiring

Thanks guys for the information. I will start looking at the wiring and see if I can find an issue.


New member
Jun 29, 2016
Need some additional advice / information

I think I have it narrowed down to the section of wiring harness that goes from the oil pressure sender to a plug that is under and behind ac compressor and then runs into the the main 38 pin engine bale harness connector. I has showing very high ressitances (ohms) on the black and tan / white sender wire.


Can you buy this section of harness?

OR does anyone know the name type of plug connector that is under behind the ac compressor so I could make my own section of harness? It looks to be a 6 pin connector although only 5 out of the six pin spots are being utilized.

Any other advice is greatly appreciated.

I went ahead and installed a manual oil pressure gauge but still need to fix the wiring to get rid of the chime and warning in instrument panel.