Yea nitro has defiantly made that sport what it is today. I can remember when alcohol was what everyone was running and getting 5 second passes. Now with nitro they make as low as 3.5 sec at 328 mph passes in the dragsters.<< THATS OFFICIALLY HUALIN A$# Can you imagine the g's those guy are pulling its unreal! And to think after a burnout and a 3 second pass they are out of fuel (8 gallons), now that's dumping fuel.
I have some videos not sure how to post them. Have videos of them rebuilding after every pass and starting them in the pits to tune them. Also learned the actually have to start them on alcohol then switch to nitro. Buddy of mine Robert used to be on Kenny Bernsteins crew he did the whole bottom end after every pass.
Crazy how you can feel the vibrations in your chest from so far away. And like said above the fumes burn your eyes and nose pretty bad up close from the nitro.
It will defiantly not be forgotten as I got news while I was there that I will soon be a father! So it was a pretty good day.