Thanks, the truck I'm leaning towards is this one.
2001, $14k, 145k miles, nice toys added on that are probably worth another $1.5k. So if we subtract the value of the toys I'd like to have, it's $12.5k. If I have to replace injectors, the cp3, and add an AirDog, that's somewhere over $3k. I've seen the injectors & cp3 on Lincoln for $3k, I've seen the install vid for AirDog, but I don't know the price.
I also have a formula. I was searching beetles years ago, I've an affinity for beetles. I was looking on, and found 70+ beetles in my area, how to sort all the prices and mileages, etc. I pondered for a bit, and remembered google says "reduce it to a formula, then execute the formula." So here's my formula. $price / (250k - miles). I expect a truck to last 250,000 miles. After that, its junk worth zero, miles is how many miles are on the vehicle. So really, my formula gives me expected cost per mile to own the truck. I know there's fuel, tires, maintenance, insurance, etc. But, all those are basically the same, so I don't consider them, only the price of the vehicle and the mileage I'm buying.
So for the 2005 truck, $12,999 over (250000 - 260000) oops, that already negated my search. I consider that to be too far in the mileage category. I expect to get to 250k miles, going out to 500k is just bonus. Anything over 250k is living on borrowed time to me, I'll drive it past 250k, buy I won't buy it over about 150k.