I had a 7.3 powerstroke before this one, that I ran up to about 240k miles, the engine was good but the truck had some other costly issues so I traded it on the 05 Duramax I have now. I am a little disappointed with the gelling issues, I had my Ford in some nasty cold and never had an issue just running on pump diesel without any additional additives.
With my Dmax it gelled up on me yesterday morning here in MN at about -4F even though the fuel is "supposedly" rated down to minus 15, it happened once last year too.
Last night I swapped out the ACdelco fuel filter for a Wix and it seems fine this morning.
I put some some Diesel 911 in yesterday morning as well as the Diesel Service Cetane additive to get me the rest of the way to work and home.
I kind of browsed the web a little yesterday and it sounded like the Diesel Service stuff isn't necessarily the best way to go.
Is there a general forum where I can ask what other Dmax owners do to ensure they don't gel up?
I added the cetane and I put the winter cover on the front of the truck to try and keep it warmer under the hood. Seemed to work good this morning and it was around -5 again.