Wow, stock bottom end too?
Yea, maybe its about time for that "team borrowed time" thing.
Pretty sweet! Was this with the water meth and stock injectors? (dual fuel)
Congrats! What was your mph and weight?
Is that on stock turbo and injectors? Holy moly!
mph 112 weight 6700 Still that same damn stock turbo and injectors.
The race was in Rockingham NC (Tim Z, I dont know how to double quote!!)
If you push the "+ button next to the quote button, then hit the Post Reply button, they will automatically pop up.
Thanks Gator. Major lacking in computer skills!(wife is in help!)
wow duel fuelers, stock injectors and turbo. How are you getting the turbo to push that much air? Thats awesome. Looks like the bac has a challenger. I wish I could lose 700 pounds easily and be fast like you guys.