ok, we have a 2009 lmm dually, truck hauls a lot of weight and gets the shit ran out of it on a daily basis, it is strapped to a 4 car wedge trailer everyday.it has an afe intake, it goes through port everyday, so, question is... this needs to get better fuel mileage, it cannot be down for more than a day or so. can i hollow out the dpf( to make it appear it has a dpf but it will technically be deleted. ) i have efi on my lb7 and love it, but like i said, i dont have time to get it dialed in like i had on my 01.so who has the best mileage tune? and does anyone have any other suggestions, i was planning on egr delete this weekend. this truck runs about 5-600 miles a day loaded and this 6 miles to a gallon is killing me!