You have to convert a stock OS to the DSP5 OS. First thing to do is make sure you have the latest version of the program. Then:
- Open a tune with the STOCK operating system
- On the Details window (the first one to open), click the Upgrade OS tab.
- There should be a list of custom operating systems, with the DSP2 and DSP5 in it. If you don't have a list, then your stock OS might not be upgradeable. You can always try a different stock OS.
- Select "DSP5 V2 Custom Operating System" then click Apply Upgrade
- It will warn you that the upgrade cannot be undone. Click Yes.
- It will tell you the upgrade was applied. Click OK.
- This part doen't make sense, but you have to do it. Choose File then "Save Tuning File As..." (or just press Ctrl+T)
- Save it where you want, call it what you want, then click Save.
- Now, EXIT EFILive.
- Find the file you saved, and double click it (or start EFILive and open it normally)
- The tune will open, and there will be a bunch of out-of-range calibrations. That's OK, because you now have a DSP5 tune to fill in.
- Enjoy!
I hope that helps!
EDIT: I found the EFILive document that explains it. However, it is 25 pages!! You'll definitely understand it after reading that, lol.