I have a Di Pricol 1600* pyro that has gone bad I guess. The readings are erratic it kind of hags out in 1 area sometimes its 500* others its 1500*. It fluctuates 20* or so when I get on and off the throttle. I call Di and they tell me it sounds like the gauge but to check my wiring and the thermal coupler should read in mV at the harness if I get any reading its good. Everything checks outs and my warranty gone so I buy a gauge. I plug it in and it won't come off 0 since my old one moved at least I figure the servo is bad and they agree and send me a 2nd gauge. Same thing so I call them now they tell me what mV I should be reading at what temp it should be low like single digits. Wells its not its erratic and I get readings over 100 with the truck off. They don't seem to believe me with what I'm reading. I think the thermal coupler is bad too. They said it going bad can make the gauge go bad, but they don't want to keep shipping me parts to try. I'm getting pissed and the guy that helping me doesn't speak english real well so came anyone help me out some? I tired of checking things and getting the same results.